Harvesting of Water

Concept Explanation

Harvesting of Water

Water harvesting: It means capturing rainwater where it falls or capturing the run-off water in a local area.

Conventional Methods of Water Harvesting: In India, different communities use hundreds of indigenous water saving methods to capture every trickle of water that had fallen on their land.

These methods are:

• Digging of small pits and lakes.

• Put in place simple watershed systems.

• Building small earthen dams.

• Constructing dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs.

• Setup rooftop water collecting units.

Traditional Water Harvesting System: In largely level terrain, the water harvesting structures are mainly crescent-shaped earthen embankments or low, straight concrete and rubble checkda.ms built across seasonally flooded gullies. Monsoon rains fill ponds behind the structures. Only the largest structures hold water year round and others usually get dry in six months or less after the monsoons.

Their main purpose however, is not to hold surface water, but to recharge the ground water beneath.

The various advantages of water stored in the ground are:

• It does not evaporate, but spreads out to recharge wells.

It provides moisture for vegetation over a wide area.

• It does not provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes like stagnant water collected in ponds or artificial lakes.

• The groundwater is also relatively protected from contamination by human and animal waste.


Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Water harvesting is an age -old concept in India. Various methods are used in different regioons of India. Khadins water harvesting method is used in ________________

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Khadins, Bundhis, Ahara and Kattas are ancient structures that are examples for _________________

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

The various advantages of water stored in the ground are ___________________________.


Right Option : D
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